Wyndham City Council

Wyndham City Council

Wyndham City Council is the local government agency in Wyndham, located in Melbourne’s outer west and covering about 542 km2. The municipality lies between 11.5 and 45 km west to southwest of Melbourne’s central business district and is recognized as one of Melbourne’s key growth areas.

Public Disclosure Statements

Public Disclosure Statement

  • Certification type: Organisation
  • Reporting period: 2023-24
  • Publication date: 22/01/2025

Type of certification


Wyndham City Council (Council) is the local government agency in the City of Wyndham and provides a wide range of services to the local community.

Certification status


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* Ongoing annual reporting for certification is due 30 April for calendar year reports and 31 October for financial year reports. An organisation will appear as pending if reports are overdue by more than 60 days following the end of their reportable period.

Public Disclosure Statements Archive

Public Disclosure Statement

  • Certification type: Organisation
  • Reporting period: 2022-23
  • Publication date: 22/07/2024