Why be Climate Active?
The process of becoming a carbon neutral organisation has led to significant operational savings, improved efficiencies and positive recognition for the leadership we have taken.
We are proud of our investment in the future of United Communities, the South Australian community we serve and our planet.― Simon Schrapel, Uniting Communities Chief Executive
Climate change is one of the greatest challenges – and greatest opportunities – facing Australia today. Some of the nation’s best-known organisations are taking action to ensure Australia meets its carbon reduction commitments and they are well placed to grow and compete in a low emissions future.
Climate Active certification sends a clear signal to your clients, customers and stakeholders that your business is committed to sustainability, innovation, and industry progression.
There are several entities offering carbon neutral certification. Climate Active is government-backed. Our Standard is built on international best-practice standards and the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocols. Climate Active claims are subject to independent verification to ensure the integrity of the carbon neutral claim.
Climate Active certification provides your organisation with the opportunity to:
- show that your organisation is part of the transition to reduce emissions
- meet stakeholder expectations
- save energy and costs
- enhance corporate reputation and image
- build capacity
- connect better with the community
- engage employees
- increase customer recognition.
Hear some of our Climate Active Founding Members talk about their journey to carbon neutrality.